Monday, February 21, 2022
To sell well…and to avoid inefficiency, sloppiness, and falling through the cracks, you have to have a few key pieces in place or else selling is gonna be real hard.
In this episode, Dan reveals:
Dan takes you on a journey to sell the pants off of anything. So Listen up…because this episode will rock your business.
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Russell Brunson: Welcome back to the Magnetic Marketing podcast. This is part two in the marketing versus selling presentation that Dan Kennedy gave. In this episode, Dan is describing the right and the wrong way to implement selling and salesmanship into your business.
Dan Kennedy: We're not poorly trained sales people. Many times, it ain't their fault. They're ignorant. And nobody has given them a system to function with. They've just turned them loose and let them do what they do.
My first sales job, my only job, 1974, and the sales manager, vice president of sales is still pissed off. But I had it for 10 months. They hire me, they hand me a company car. They hand me a printout of accounts. They hand me a briefcase with product in it and they turned me loose.
Now they spent all this money on the hiring process. They spent all this money getting those accounts. In the first place, they got four full page ads in the trade journal that week to the people I'm going to be calling on. And they're turning me loose. No earthly idea What I'm going to do out there, which we had in common. They had no earthly idea what I was doing to do out there. I had no earthly idea what I was going to do out there.
How do you think that works out? Don't you think somebody ought to know? Like there ought to be an adult somewhere who knows how this is supposed to go. But we do that all the time. Run a big promotion. Flood the place with phone calls, flood the place with customers. The amount of time spent preparing everybody for it, three minutes. Three weeks, writing a sales letter, three minutes, getting prepared. How much you think's falling out the holes of the bucket? Poorly motivated sales people.
You can't play baseball, three strikes and you're out, unless you have an environment where people who do well can do well. They got to be able to do well financially. They got to be able to do well, in other terms. The restaurant I spoke to you about, they explain to all of their servers that if after six months, they are not making the equivalent of $50,000 a year, they need to go elsewhere because they are a poor fit for this particular environment. And they're doing the business harm. And by their second year, they should be making a $100,000 a year. And there's a six week training class, in addition to all the other training they give the servers, called How to Make a $100,000 a year here.
And they expect their servers to make a $100,000 a year. Now, if you provide somebody an opportunity to make a $100,000 a year, guess what? You get to enforce rules. You get to have strong expectations. You get to make demands. You get to play baseball.
If they can only make minimum wage, when you yell at them, they just walk across the street to where they can get minimum wage from someplace else. So motivated sales people, poorly managed sales people.
This is now about the ugly part of the job imposed upon yourself and imposed on others. That's this is enforcement of system and accountability for same. So if you don't enforce it, so by the way, you run home from the seminar, those of you that got staff and you tell them you got 12 new ideas. Guess what the staff's doing? Waiting it out.
It'll all blow over. They've seen it before. They're like Washington bureaucrats. 70% of all federal government department heads and on down, do not change with administrations. They're locked in place like cement. It's only the top third that move around. So don't matter to them. Democrat Congress, Republican Congress, Bush, Clinton, next Clinton, next Bush. Don't make a difference, ain't gone anywhere.
That's why Bush couldn't get them trailers moved. Five times he told everybody, "I want those trailers down there in New Orleans moved to where the people are who need." Trailers are still sitting there rotting. "As the President of the United States that I want trailers moved." Trailers are still sitting there. Most powerful man in the free world, the trailers are still sitting there because he ain't the most powerful man in the free world.
The 200 bureaucrats who needed to move the trailers are the powerful people in the free world. And they know all they got to do is wait him out. So they're moving the trailers, whenever they well feel like moving the trailers. And that goes on everywhere. The only way for them to have got those trailers moved was to get on Air Force One, drag everybody's ass down to where the trailers were and stand there with his arms folded and say, "I ain't leaving until we move these trailers."
Then he would've got trailers done. So he's missing like the enforcement part of the job, same deal. So once you design a process, you design a system, you create a script, you create a sales presentation. Now, if you don't police yourself, if you are the one using it. So how do you police yourself? Well you audio tape yourself. You videotape yourself. You have role play drills of yourself.
You make sure you are doing it. Speaker, every third or fourth Peter Lowe presentation, I reviewed the tape. Why? Bcause I think I'm doing X up here, but I got to make sure I'm doing X up here. I got a million dollar sales presentation for that event. I don't want to be screwing it up. I know I'm not a very reliable employee, so somebody's got to check me. Since there ain't anybody else to check me, I got to check me. You got to check you too. All right. And you got to check the others.
Inadequate measurement and accountability. Every piece of your system that can be measured should be measured. Tell you a quick story. Wraps three of these points or four of these points together. It's a very simple thing, happens in a lot of offices. This is an attorney who was in my coaching group for three years.
Poor name capture, all kind of advertising in his practice. Big yellow pages ad, big billboards, big TV, spent a lot of money, make the phone ring. DUI law practice. Only one out of every seven or eight calls are converting to appointments to come into the office.
Well, they should all at least get captured. We should have their name, their address, their email, so we can do follow up, because you can't do marketing to somebody, we can't find. So we spent all this money to get them to call. They don't convert to an appointment, we have no ability to do the second wave of marketing to them because we don't know who they are.
But we spent the money for the call. Now he would look at his overall numbers, his cost per sale. So only one out of seven or eight convert to appointments. One out of two of those convert to a case, average case is $8,000. His cost per sale is $2,000. He's a happy camper, right? I said, "But you're not thinking about what you're losing. Yeah, your economics are okay. But boy, they could be a lot better without you doing any more work, if we weren't losing the seven."
"So let's make sure your staff, now, doesn't let anybody get off the phone without using this little script and capturing the name and address to send them a free, What You Need to Know About your DUI Case kit, with an audio CD and a DVD, et cetera. And get their email."
So next coaching meeting. "How's that going?" "No good." Why is it no good. "Because staff says nobody will give them their name and address." And that I said, Okay, go home. How many staff you got?" This is our joke day. But seriously, "how many staff?" He goes, "I got five." I said, "Okay, pick one, got anybody you don't like? Go home and fire that one visibly in front of everybody else. Preferably set her on fire."
"That'll get everybody's attention. Okay. If you got one that's the worst of the bunch by all means. Pick that one. If they're about equal, then just pick whichever one's annoying. You pick the one to choose to go. I don't care. Fire somebody. Get their attention. Then have another conversation. Then I'll prove to you, they'll give you addresses. Give them $5 for every name, a complete set of contact information they capture. So at the end of the day, you hand out five dollar bills for complete record forms."
Guess what? The population of Las Vegas changed in 48 hours. All of the drunk drivers who refused to give anybody their name and address at this law office left town. A whole bunch of new, much more sociable drunk drivers moved in. They were all
to give their full name and address, phone number, fax, email, mother's maiden name, every other piece of information we asked for. Why? Because Susie was getting five bucks. That's why?
Cheap $5, by the way, that was the next conversation. "Do you know, at the end of one day I paid out $120?" I said, "So how many leads were we losing? You're spending 5,000 a month running the yellow pages ad that gets them to call." Cheap five bucks. But it proves the importance of this.
Dan Kennedy: So next slide. Most businesses, business owners and their sales people are playing sand lot ball. Now I'm a sports freak, so I never played the game, but I love football. And so, one of the big things for me at Peter Lowe events was getting to go back stage and hang out because we always had a fall player or a coach or somebody on it.
Peter Lowe, by the way was not a sports fan. So those of you that follow football, this is one quick piece of trivia of how you can really screw up by not preparing. We had Tom Landry on the program, who was a former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, who dispensed with by Jerry Jones, the new owner in a, let's say less than polite and amicable and considerate way, considering that he was a legend.
And Landry was replaced with Jimmy Johnson. Well, Peter knows nothing about football. I mean, he's got to be briefed that you know, Landry is from Dallas. "Who's Dallas Cowboys?" It's the ball with the points on the end of it. Oh, so I'm sitting there talking to Landry. Peter comes in and says, "Hey, I see they're doing really great with that new coach, Jimmy Johnson. What do you think about that?"
Okay. Pro ball players don't play sand lot ball. Just, by the way, you see the phenom come out of college and he can't compete in the pros. It's because he can't master the playbook, because he can't master the playbook. The pros study, learn, memorize, and practice complicated, sophisticated playbooks. They don't just show up. "Everybody go long and I'll hit you."
That's the way we played sand lot ball. Right? That's okay for sand lot ball. It ain't no good if you're a pro. We got Tim Couch of the Cleveland Browns. You may recall Tim Couch. That's how Tim Couch played ball in college. "Everybody go long. I'll hit ya." They hand this kid a playbook with 500 and some odd pages in it and 180 different plays, and [inaudible 00:13:55] know your play. You got to know the receiver's play. You got to know everybody else's play.
Ooh, incapable of doing it. You got to be capable of doing it. Your business has to have a sophisticated playbook, otherwise you got all these holes. You're spending all this money over here on marketing and all the money's going out to holes.
Each individual has scripted plays. The entire team has to execute the plays and you, the business owner, you got to provide a success environment for those who will do it. You got to provide great tools. You can't just throw them out there. You got to give them good scripts. You got to give them good outlines. You got to give them good flip books.
I was doing a bunch of consulting with Weight Watchers International handful of years ago. Weight Watchers International fields a million inbound phone calls a year. A million calls a year, which they spend, you must understand, multi-millions of dollars to create these millions of calls. When a call comes in from a Weight Watchers ad to a phone room at Weight Watchers, the person who answers the phone, his job is to get you, Susie, to go to a meeting in your town.
That means he has to know where the meetings are in your town. So, Gail, you call, and I say, "Gail, where do you live?" And Gail says "Coral Gables, Florida." I got to be able to say "Gail, there's three meetings this week at Coral Gables, Florida. There's one on Tuesday at the church." So I got to have that information, right?
This is only four or five years ago. One third of the cubicles don't have a computer terminal in them. They got flip books with little tab dividers on them by state. While I got Gail on the phone, I got to find Florida. Then I got to find Coral Gables. Is this the dumbest thing you've ever heard? I'm in the phone room going, "You got to be [inaudible 00:15:49] me?"
"Well, we don't have a budget for..." Spend less on advertising. You need less phone calls and you need more computers. Even dumber, now we get Gail to go to a meeting. They got the person who's running the meeting in Coral Gables. She don't know Gail's coming. There's no transmission of information of who's coming to the meeting, therefore there's no transmission of information back of who showed up or who didn't show up.
We can't call Gail the next day and say, "Gail, you were supposed to be at the meeting Tuesday night at the church, because you want to lose 23 pounds by your sister-in-law's wedding, six weeks from now and you weren't there. And we're really concerned about you, Gail. So, we got to get you to the next..."
So you see they can't do that. Want to know why? Bigger they are, the dumber they get, but you got to watch out for this in your own businesses too.
Here's what I said. I said, "I'm not a tech genius here, not my department, but somehow I think you can give the person running the meeting a laptop with an antenna. And you can send over there a list of the Gails who were supposed to show up. Then she can check them off and she can send that list back. And you guys can know the next morning who showed up and who didn't." Answer from the CEO, "I got an advertising budget. I got a marketing budget. I got a sales trading budget. I don't have a laptop budget. We ain't buying laptops."
Don't think this doesn't go on at every level. This kind of moronic stupidity. We're all guilty. Got to watch out for it all the time, because we can find more ways to be stupid than you can imagine. And this is one of them, so best tools and then insist on their use. Impose disciplines, measure individual performance, et cetera.
All right, so pull it up there. Yeah, that's good. That's what they need to see. So here's the bottom line. All resources are funneled in and out of the performance on the field. That what that's what happens with the team. So they got scouting. They got films of the team they're going to play. They got coaches, they got conditioner guys. They got gyms, they got physical fitness equipment. They got therapists. They got all that. All of that funnels into the performance on the field. Then all the information they gather on Sunday funnels back out to get ready for next week.
Same thing's got to go on in our business. All the advertising marketing, all those resources have to funnel into whatever is our equivalent of the performance on the field. And then a bunch of information has to funnel back out the other side.
Skip to this slide, Tracy. Here's the worst word in sales. Now in business, I teach you the worst word is one. Worst word of all in business is one. One of anything. So if too much of your income's dependent on one account, one product, one service, one method of distribution, one method of marketing. If we have one indispensable employee, et cetera, et cetera, worst number in business. Here's the worst word in selling, random.
It's the worst word and it is what is going on a lot. So I do very well in selling, always have. You slide it all the rest of the way up. I don't do well by wandering out here and talking about whatever my mood dictates.
There was a guy who was on the Peter Lowe events with us for a number of years, I won't mention his name. You would know him. He's a very famous the speaker and he was always mystified that his results were erratic. He would do very well one day, do very well, the next.
I was on that tour for nine years. 22 to 27 events a year for nine years, same presentation. My results did not vary by more than 5%, with the exception of about five days in the entire nine years. They didn't vary, when I had laryngitis, couldn't talk. They didn't vary by geography. They didn't vary by size of audience. They didn't vary... by only 5%.
His were all over the place. He couldn't figure it out. I rarely saw him because he was on in the morning. I didn't go over in the afternoon. One day I'm over there and he's backstage and he's fiddling around with his notes. I said, "What are you doing?"
He said, "Oh," he said, "I read the newspaper this morning and I'm adding this. I'm going to talk about this. And so I got to find room to take something out and, I saw this on TV and I think it'd be fun to talk about." I said, "What are you doing? You can't be changing the presentation day to day. You can't be going up there talking about whatever the hell you want to talk about today. The presentation got to stay the same."
So if you make sales calls and you hear a new joke, you think it's cool to tell that new joke to everybody that week. Well, that's a component part of your presentation. First of all, if the old joke worked real good, you better find a way to test the new joke against the old joke and quickly measure the results and see if they're interchangeable or not. You don't want to be just monkeying around with this. So you can't be random about it.
You've got to be strategic, planned, organized, disciplined. That's why I go bananas with this silliness of business people and sales people making important telephone calls on cell phones while they're running through airports or driving through a flood or surviving a hurricane or in the public restroom at the urinal peeing.
How can you possibly be handling that call well? You can't. So you spent all the time and energy and money and marketing and advertising to make the call happen. And now we're on the phone with an important prospect or an important client. And we're going to have this phone call while we're also thinking about, "I got to make sure not to pee on my shoes." Do you think that's like in a way of the most effective...? Yeah. It's in the way.
Okay. Let's talk about scripts for a second. A lot of people don't like scripts because they think it gets in the way of spontaneity. Well, it does. And you don't want spontaneity unless you're doing improv.
You want a perfect presentation delivered in the best possible way, in whatever circumstance it's in. That means you got to have scripts. I've lived on a million dollar scripts. I don't have time to tell you these stories, but my entire life has been about selling situation, create script. Get script right, deliver script same way, every single time. If you find a way to keep testing against it as a control, great, your business should be about the same.
Skip the next slide. Tracy. Skip all the way over to the salesman as copywriter. Okay. Here's what selling is.
We say that copywriting is salesmanship in print. So you've all heard that. And so direct response copywriting for your ads, your sales letters, your website, et cetera, it's really salesmanship in print. Salesmanship is copywriting done live. That's what it is. And anybody that thinks it's anything else doesn't get it, because the actual active selling is a performance. The actual active selling is performance.
Well, you don't walk out on a Broadway stage, unless you're doing improv, without a script. There's numb nuts on The Apprentice, shot a TV commercial with no script. Huh? "Oh, let's go film." I mean, we joke about that. When we shoot infomercials, we say, "Let's go make some movie magic," but it's a joke.
Let's go film a sales presentation and let's make damn sure we check off everything that was in the script while we're filming the sales presentation. Because when we cut this thing together later, we don't want to be missing these seven essential words. So I've learned to be very meticulous as a copywriter.
Dan Kennedy: See the copywriter does a lot of very disciplined things, all are all designed to move the prospect forward. So we agonize over a word. We agonize over a phrase and words matter. I pointed out on Renegade Millionaire, in Diane's ads, she's got a great headline, there's two ways to do the headline. If you change one word in the headline, you make the headline dramatically less effective, dramatically more effective.
Well, what's true in the headline on paper is true of the a headline said. It doesn't matter. It's still a headline. My Peter Lowe presentation, one of the things I found at those events was I was the last guy I was the last guy after the last famous guy. So how many of you were ever at a success event where I spoke? Let me see your hands. Fair amount of you. Okay. You, you kind of noticed a whole lot of people left, right?
I mean, there's a stampede when I'm coming on stage, you don't want to be in an exit door because they all stayed to see Gorbachev or they all stayed to see Schwarzkopf. They [inaudible 00:25:59] leaving. You know?
So the first 30 seconds of my presentation were designed to stop them because you can't solve an empty seat. So I had to have certain things I said that would stop certain people, who were already doing something else. Butt up off seat, coat under arm, heading toward door. My job is to freeze them and put them back. Well, you don't just come out there and wing that, you don't just do it different every time. You work real hard to figure out what'll work and you only got about 30 seconds what'll work. And then once you figure out what'll work, you memorize it.
You could wake me out of a dead sleep. My close from my Success Track seminars in the eighties, because we took a $25 deposit for you to be in your seat, and then we refunded it. I could do that close right now. I'll die knowing that close. I doubt I could expunge it if I chose because I did it the same way every single time, once I got it to work.
Not only same words, same body language, same gestures, same everything, because it's a performance. The copywriter part gives you the discipline. So y'all understand it, when you write copy. You understand words matter. You understand structure matters. You understand inflection matters. How do we get inflection in copy? We choose what we bold face. We choose what we italicize. We choose what we underline. We choose what we indent. We make this paragraph 12 point, this paragraph 10 point, that's how we get inflection.
We all understand it matters in print. Well, it matters in person. Now, if you have people, if you have humans, you have to help them understand that it matters and you have to get them that good. In other words, you want your people and yourself as good as your best sales letter. Doesn't happen by accident. So the best sales pro, next one, almost. The best sales pro, fumble fingers, will craft and prepare his presentation as a copywriter and then learn and deliver it as a performer.
Skip the next one. Okay. The best sales pro will craft his presentation as a copywriter. Don't put it up yet. No. And deliver it as a performer.
Now you really got something. Now you've got the process connected. Now your sales part can be as good as your advertising and marketing part. Not only as good as, but congruent. A couple pieces of BS that get in the way. For those keeping count, Bill, I would say, I'm going to go 10 over.
Number one. "In our business, we have a long sales cycle." Industrial business to business people tend to believe this. We have a long sales cycle. Nah, you just have a crappy process. See, you've accepted the fact that in your business, there is a long sales cycle, but really what you got is a process that does a poor job of accelerating the sales cycle. And you're probably wasting a lot of time talking to people who aren't mature yet, ready to buy.
Next one, "we don't want to use canned rehearse presentations because we will lose spontaneity and energy." Hear that all the time. Understand the translation of that is that we are perfectly willing to leave our results and outcomes to random chance. So as long as you're okay with that, fine, ignore me today. Ignore what I'm going to offer you today. And don't spend any time whatsoever on this part of your process.
As long as you're willing to go stand in front of your mirror, your banker, your spouse, who would like you to increase your income this year, and your kids who want to go to college; as long as you're willing to stand there and say, "I've made an executive decision to leave our sales results up to random chance. That's what I've decided to do."
And by the way, if you employ a sales manager who comes into your office and tells you that, may I suggest, shoot them on sight. Because if that's your answer, it's the wrong answer.
Next one, "we can't get our people to do that." Grow some. Who's working for who? Well, my favorite radio moment, John Lanigan, who's the morning person in Cleveland, Ohio; who replaced Don Imus in Cleveland, Ohio, when Don got fired in Cleveland and went to New York and started his career in New York. Don didn't get fired there for what he got fired... He got fired in Cleveland for cocaine.
But Lanigan has John Gray on one morning who I devoutly, I don't dislike him personally, but I dislike him generally. You know, John Gray, the Mars Venus guy, you know what I'm talking about? The little wimpy... You know what I'm talking about.
As a piece of trivia, by the way, he and Barbara De Angelis, the other love relationship person, a lot of people don't know this, they were married and divorced from each other and very acrimonious, to this day. But anyway, so John Gray's on Lanigan's program and John Gray is explaining all the stuff, the Mars Venus stuff that you... Lanigan blurts out, "I got a question for you. Does she have your balls at home in a jar on the mantle?"
I'm in the car. I got the car pulled over to the side of the road so I don't hurt somebody while I'm laughing. Well, I have occasionally said the same thing to a client about their employees. I mean, grow some. Who signs the paycheck here? In reality, of course the customer signs the paycheck and then it passes through your hands to that person. I mean, so either you got no cojones, and your inmates are running your asylum; or you provide such a terrible opportunity for your people that you can't grow any. Those are the two problems. You got to fix that because you've got to be able to enforce a system. You have to.
Put the next thing up there. This one. Why? Yes. Why improving your selling is so valuable. That's what I talked about at the very beginning. If your sales part of your process has too many holes, it handicaps you financially. It forces you to obsess over lead cost.
See, now we're back into marketing. This is how you can't disconnect them. It's because one of the first questions I have to ask a client, one of first question is I have to ask somebody in a coaching group as they explain their goals. So Charlie Martin says to me, "I want 100 doctors in my coaching program." This person says, "I want 50 customers a month coming into my showroom." As soon as they can enunciate what they want, the question I have to ask is "What are you willing to pay for each of those sales?"
I got to have a CPS number, a cost per sale number. Then I got to figure out how many leads it takes in order to make one of those sales. I got to know what you're willing to pay per lead. So a lot of people now obsess over trying to have the lowest lead costs they possibly can. So now we're into, "Oh, I can't use that media. I can't use this media. Oh I can only use a four page letter because if a five page letter would be a lot better, but it pushes us to two post stamps instead of one, I can't do that."
This is now the discussion everybody's in. This is not a marketing discussion you want to be in. This is not the position you want to be in. You don't want to be up against competition and you be the cheap skate of the bunch.
You don't want to be that handicapped. I don't want to be in a head to head competition with Hopkins, right now, in a sales environment because I'm like a little handicapped here. He's okay. Well, this is similar.
Conversely, what you really want to be able to do is spend like a drunken sailor on leads. Be able to outspend everybody. How do you do that? Plug all the holes in the sales process, so there's no waste over here. That allows you to be incredibly more aggressive over here. And if you want grow your business, if you want to dominate a market, if you want to confound competition, if you want to do just incredible things, there's the formula. There's the closed loop.
Oh man. Well I got to tell them this, go to price mistakes. I'm almost where I need to be. Yeah. Yeah. Let me tell you a little story about what goes on, if you don't plug this hole. This is true. This is actual case; recorded, transcribed, actual salesperson represented to be one of the best, in a real selling environment to a real prospect.
The prospect says "I don't feel right about spending this much money." Is that a price objection? Well, here's what the salesman did. He agreed with what he thought the prospect was saying. And he said, "Well, yes, our product is expensive." Now he didn't then qualify that at all. He didn't say "Our product is the most expensive, but it's also that..." He didn't do that. He just agreed, "Yes, it's the most expensive." So there's selling mistake number one, never agree with anything that doesn't move the sale forward.
Then he responded to this as if it was a price objection. So now he went into the, "Let me tell you why it's worth every penny." But it wasn't a price objection. This was a person who didn't feel right about spending that much money. He didn't say, "Geez, I think that's a lot of money." He didn't say, "Gee, that's more than I expected it to cost." He didn't say, "Gee, I've seen cheaper ones advertised somewhere else." He didn't say that.
Put up the next slide. Here's what he meant. He meant "I'm 72 years old. I have a grown son and a grown daughter each with their own families. I want to leave them and my grandkids as much as I can when I'm gone. And it just doesn't seem right to me to spend so much my on myself. It's really out of character for me. I lived through the depression. I buy my clothes at Walmart. I live very frugally."
Now that's what he meant. That's what was going on in here. It wasn't a price objection. It was a 72 year old person concerned with their legacy and feeling bad about spending money on themselves when they should be spending it on their families, which just about every 70 year old person feels that way. If you got a 70 year old parent or grandparent right now and you give them a gift, they go, when you're not looking, get a refund at the store and put the money back in the coffee can, that's going to be there on the kitchen counter when they pass. That's what's going on.
So the salesperson turned it into a price objection, when it wasn't. Out the door goes to sale. Nobody knows what happened. What gets said about what happened? "I closed 68%. That's pretty good." What gets said about what happened? "Well, you know the advertising we're doing right now is producing all these old fart, cheap skate leads." That's what gets said. But that's not the problem.
To fix it, you need better, deeper understanding of the prospect. And then you need training. You need for that to trigger in the guy's head. What kind of objection that is? "Oh, when somebody says this, that connects me over here," to what? This script.
If he says this, I go here. If he says this, I go here. Those synapses can't happen if you don't engineer them, and you don't train them, and you don't drill them, and you don't enforce.
The next slide in just a minute. Not just yet. Just a minute. Have a question for you. How many of you are in the room, in part, at least in part, because following some piece of my advice has directly and measurably profited you. Keep them up if more than once. Okay.
All right. Remember that? I haven't too often steered you wrong. You're here for a reason. You came because you took it, you used it, you got results. There's two kinds of people aren't in the room by the way, because by the way, this is pretty dang good turnout. It's double what we had last year.
But keep in mind, we got some 20,000 members. So there's two kinds of people aren't in the room. There's, presumably, some people who have found my advice not to be profitable. There's probably a lot less of those than those who have got it and done nothing with it. So, therefore there could be no ROI. So you're to be congratulated because you did with what you got. That should embolden you to get more, because you know you're going to do something with it.
I haven't steered you wrong before. I am now telling you that the greatest single thing you can go work on in your business is what we've been talking about this morning; is this spot in your process where all your advertising, all your marketing, all your publicity, all your public relations, all your effort gets to the sale, however, the sale occurs in your business.
Then on the other side, there's all about your marketing. And we can go over there and there's a lot of work we can do there too. So there's all kinds of work we can do over here. There's all kinds of work we can do over here. Where most of you aren't working at all is right here in the middle. And focusing on that can give you financial yield without additional financial expense. It ain't about running another ad. It ain't about running more ads. It's about optimizing what's happening already. So this is important. I'd put your slide up. I'd like your permission to help.
I here's what I'd like to help you with. Slide it up. Systems design. That means what's our whole system look like. What are all the systems within the systems, within the systems, within the systems, what are the steps? When someone done this, says this, shows up here, calls here, doesn't do this. What's supposed to happen?
Right now, if I offered you 5,000 bucks for you to produce your systems in a format that you could come up here and show everybody and teach everybody, how many of you could claim the money? A few. I didn't see a lot of hands. A few.
Script structure. What's supposed to be said? How do we arrive at the point of the most effective way to ask that couple if they'd like to have dessert? Because once we arrive at the most effective way we go from, in this particular example, 32% of the customers getting dessert to 78% of the customers getting dessert, all they changed, the opening question.
That's important. Script language stuff or high technology phone; language, presentation of price. Didn't even have time to talk about it this morning, I skipped over it. But there's a whole issue about how we present price, offer structure, how create and structure offers, closing strategies and performance.
Russell Brunson: Thank you for listening to the Magnetic Marketing podcast with Dan Kennedy. If you love hearing in on these lost Dan Kennedy talks and speeches and calls, then please let someone else know about this podcast. That's how you can help it to grow. And the more it grows, the more free Dan Kennedy we can bring to you.
Also, Dan would to give you the most incredible free gift ever, designed to help you make maximum money in minimum time. Now this free gift comes with almost $20,000 in pure money making information, for free, just for saying, maybe. You can get this gift from Dan right now at Not only get the $20,000 gift, you also need a subscription to two marketing newsletters that will be hand delivered by the mailman to your mailbox each and every month. One from Dan Kennedy and one from me, Russell Brunson. To get this gift in your subscription, go to right now.
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