Monday, February 13, 2023
I have lived a life of constant, profound disappointment. Working in direct marketing and direct-response advertising; writing ad copy, putting together direct-mail campaigns, producing TV infomercials, crafting online media – I have suffered puzzling and frustrating, sometimes expensive failures, a lot.
I have run 8-way split tests and had 7 fail. Of course, we proceed to rake in money with the one for years, but I wanted to do that with all eight. Buying, breeding, owning racehorses and, for 20 years, driving professionally in harness races, I have suffered horribly, a lot. Bought well-bred steeds who turned out to have no heart for racing. Had good ones go career-ending lame.
Driving, I’ve lost races I should have won, and had slumps long enough to tempt quitting. Been in three accidents, one severe. Of course, we’ve also had champion horses including the 2 Year Old Trotter of the Year. I have a highlights reel of my amazing drives and victories. Walls of win photos. Relationships with people I treasure.
Over my 50 years of Work, I have quite literally “made” many hundreds of millionaires and multi-millionaires, but I hear from a tiny percentage of them. I’m the Mom wishing her adult children would call. Some are just forgetful. Others are ungrateful wretches. But I have my many ardent fans. My “Lifers,” active with me in various ways, over decades. I get a flurry of thank-you reports and up-dates around the Thanksgiving season. They make me feel like a proud Poppa.
Being often disappointed, puzzled, frustrated is an inseparable part of being an achiever, a leader, of doing and succeeding at difficult things.
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This is just the start of the Monday Memo for Diamond Members this week, where we talk about how you can win for the long-haul as an achiever. This memo is available now inside the Diamond members area.
If you don’t have access, increase your circle of friends this valentines week by joining Diamond Members, with all of the bonuses and community, plus full access to these weekly insights to help you gain the edge in your business.
If you’re already a member, your memo is ready in your members area and/or your fax machine.
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