Saturday, February 11, 2023
Important Note: This is just a small part of my newest article on ‘Speaking To Sell’. To get the rest, you should be a part of my NO B.S. Newsletter membership, particularly before this article goes to print in the next few days.
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There are MANY opportunities for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals—live and in person—to speak to sell. My private client Dr. Anglis presents in-office evening seminars on high-end restorative dentistry to audiences of between 3 and 30. With case values topping $50,000 and a very high conversion-to-appointment ratio, the small audience is just fine.
In my business life, for five years, I owned a “free evening seminar” company—putting chiropractors and dentists in hotel meeting rooms in every state but Hawaii and Alaska, four- and five-city tour after four- and five-city tour, with one full-time speaker plus occasionally me, generating millions of dollars at seminar sales plus a substantial back end.
The exact model I used then could be used now. A version of it is, in fact, used by my private client Craig Proctor for his coaching company serving real estate agents, although the lockdown years compelled moving much of this to webinars. I also spent nine years on the biggest public success-related seminar tour ever, with audiences from 15,000 to 35,000 in 25 to 27 cities a year.
In all these and other instances, some key fundamentals apply, and I’ll checklist some of them here. First though, a caveat: If doing this with online media at a distance, you are on TV, not on a stage in a room. Last month, I wrote about that here extensively.
Now, here are some 3 of the 10 keys on speaking to sell.
#1. AUDIENCE AND MESSAGE AND MESSENGER MATCH: The most dynamic and skilled presenter armed with a brilliantly crafted presentation fails miserably if working with the wrong audience. Nothing can overcome having the wrong audience. The audience—by its demographics, psychographics, belief system, interests, and affinity—must be a good match with the speaker as he looks, speaks, and is perceived and with his message.
#6. WHAT THEY FEEL (DESPAIR & HOPE & BURNING DESIRE): Selling is ultimately always driven by emotions, not facts, figures, logic, or analytical thought. You have to decide what emotional responses you want to create. For example, often you are first creating despair: a sense of being in deep trouble, trapped, doomed to a “groundhog day” of very unsatisfactory experiences for which there seems no escape. Then you want to lift them from that despair to new, fresh, exciting hope, as a “secret” solution is revealed. From this, you can get to inflamed desire for what you offer, so that common issues with buying—like price or doubts about efficacy or needing to think it over or talk to someone else about it—are gone and forgotten in the audience’s mad rush to “get it” or to “get in.” These are all created FEELINGS
#9 STRONGEST POSSIBLE OFFER: You are asking people for very aberrant and unnatural and uncomfortable behavior: making a buying decision (a decision!) in a short time frame, from a stranger, against their habits of procrastinating and mulling things over, and possibly having to justify their purchase after the fact to a spouse or business associates who weren’t there. Therefore, you want to construct and present the most compelling, irresistible offer that you possibly can. There is a masterclass and there is discussion in other issues of this newsletter about offer-making. Warning: Do NOT assume that because you were dazzling, you shared a ton of useful information, and you have clearly demonstrated the value of what
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This is only a small taste of my full article, which goes into much more detail on the 10 keys on speaking to sell. The other keys, such as what they hear: the presentation & its architecture, agreement-as-you-go, and trial closes, and many more, are all in my March Newsletter, and if you’re a member, we’ll be printing your copy for shipment next week.
Which means, if you’re not already a member, you have until Monday morning to jump in before the March letter goes to print - otherwise you’ll miss this issue.
All of March is dedicated to help you learn secrets to selling anything from ANY stage when you follow these proven tips which includes…
- Speaking To Sell
- 6-pages of Q&A with Jim Edwards on Selling From The Stage Applied To Zoom And Online Presentations
- A ‘Fax from the Past’ discussing “You Don’t Have To Be So Harsh”
- Member Spotlight showing everything in life is Marketing
- Examples of Magnetic Marketing in action by Darcy Juarez
- Copywriting Secrets By Jim Edwards: “Open Loops: The Key To A Captivating Presentation Or Sales Pitch”
- And closing with Secrets From A Swipe File: Reverse-Engineered Marketing Examples From The Founder Of The Internet’s Most Extensive Swipe Archive by Mike Schauer
The March newsletter is going to the printer on Monday, so depending on when you’re reading, this is your last chance to get your copy on your desk.
And I guarantee you won’t find a bonus offer like the one we provide for the NO B.S. Newsletter, with over $19,997 of pure money making information, my gift to you.
Don’t miss this March print date – we’ve crafted it to meet your needs to ensure business momentum and prepare you to become a true Renegade Millionaire.
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