Thursday, December 08, 2022
Important Note: This is just a small part of my newest article on ‘UP-DATE ON: “MAKE ME AN OFFER”. To get the rest, you should be a part of my NO B.S. Newsletter membership, particularly before this article goes to print in the next few days.
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For too many advertisers and marketers, the offer is an afterthought, just tacked on at the end. You’ll often see this as a website with no reason given to go there. Or a big mattress sale at the furniture store, where the offer is just “Come on in!” The Offer deserves creative thinking, because IT is where you succeed or fail.
As with so many success strategies, the making of a successful offer is complicated, not simple. An offer has 10 component parts. They are not necessarily in a fixed order; you might vary the order of their use. So #9 might, for example, be #1. But Great Offers have all 10.
As a preface, the two biggest mistakes made with the offer are 1) not having one at all and 2) having a plain vanilla one. One of my old speaking colleagues Bill Gove gave a speech titled “People LOVE To Buy!” which is absolutely correct, but that means you have to present them with an offer they can LOVE, not just need or want or like. Love!
That is the big question. And here are the 5 of the 10 components of a Great Offer (my full article goes into more detail).
3. Price/Discount From X & Purchase Options
5. Immediate vs. Delayed Gratification / Benefit
8. Urgency
9. Risk Reversal / Guarantees
10. Call To Action / How To Order
Let’s take one of these and go into more detail.
People put off buying if they can, even when they need and/or want what is being sold. It is such ingrained behavior, trying to psychoanalyze it is unproductive. Procrastination is a way of life, and “I’ll wait and think this over” is reflexive. People “live in” a town called Think-It-Over, Iowa, with one intersection, with one traffic light, with all three lights on it yellow. Any offer that does not have inside it, and wrapped around it, reasons to act now that are strong enough to cause the person to “crash” the caution light, step on the gas, and drive through the intersection against the yellow light’s warnings is a handicapped offer—like a man on crutches competing in a race with unimpaired runners.
It’s critical to remember that, while people want to buy and love buying and getting something new, they also feel like the light is yellow and they shouldn’t buy now, shouldn’t buy on impulse, shouldn’t buy without shopping around. And ALL these yellow lights must be turned off or flipped to green. Most allowed to buy later never buy at all. You can improve on that with sophisticated, assertive, and persistent follow-up, but it is best to improve the immediate buying percentage as much as you can.
Also keep in mind that URGENCY is much more a FEELING than a fact. You have to ask yourself if your “pitch” is creating and building a FEELING of urgency. It’s not enough to have the fact of, for example, only 25 available vs. 250 possible buyers visible. That helps, but what’s vital is the FEELING of desperate desire to be one of the 25, not to be left out or locked out, feeling frantic.
Recently, a catalog arrived in my mail from a company I occasionally buy clothes from, but I have no need for any kind of apparel right now. I’m all good. But its cover was blazing with…
I actually FELT my desire not to miss out on this. Instead of tossing it aside, I looked through the catalog and…gee, guess what? I found offers within the offer that I could not resist. And I jumped on the phone and ordered immediately.
I have done a lot of lead generation and selling by direct mail or (mostly FedEx) with various offers limited to only one buyer per zip code or geographic territory. Usually, we list ALL the potential buyers in the area at the top of the letter and open with:
Everybody listed is receiving this same FedEx’d invitation today, by 10:00 AM, but only ONE will be able to get in, so YOU NEED TO READ THIS IMMEDIATELY, so if it’s THE answer to your prayers, you aren’t too late!
In both of these examples, URGENCY is begun right at the beginning. In my example, in the ensuing copy, I build on it, working at creating an intense feeling of excitement about Being The Only One and about NOT being beaten to the only position by a named competitor. I combine #6 Exclusivity with the other facts, features, and benefits to make the offer URGENT.
I do NOT want my invitation letter read then set aside in Think-It-Over, Iowa. I want the person worked up so he responds immediately, as fast as he can. I’ve done versions of this with auto dealership owners, dentists, attorneys, CPAs, bank presidents, and hospital CEOs. With the hospital CEO effort, first time out, 22 FedExes went out and 14 fax forms came in by the end of the next day. The campaign I built for bankers is in its fifth year of use by that client.
The Offer is above all else one of the most crucial and hard to understand pieces in marketing. Failure to achieve a great offer means your business is alive or dead. And many marketers out there almost always take it as the least important step.
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This is only a small taste of my full article, which goes into MORE detail on the 10 components of creating a great offer. It’s all in my January Newsletter and if you’re a member, we’ll be printing your copy for shipment next week.
Which means, if you’re not already a member, you have until Monday morning to jump in before January’s letter goes to print - otherwise you’ll miss this issue.
All of January is dedicated to help creating a great offer, which includes…
- The 7-Figure Invisible Offer
- 10-pages of Q&A with Jim Edwards about getting the herd to “foot the bill.”
- A ‘Fax from the Past’ discussing why you need to have a ‘Whatever It Takes’ mentality
- Member Spotlight showing how a 33-year-old millenial found his “Home” with Magnetic Marketing
- Examples of Magnetic Marketing in action by Darcy Juarez
And closing with Jim Edwards sharing “How to treat your offer like the most amazing party invitation anyone ever made…”
January’s newsletter is going to the printer on Monday, so depending on when you’re reading, this is your last chance to get your copy on your desk.
And I guarantee you won’t find a bonus offer like the one we provide for the NO B.S. Newsletter, with over $19,997 of pure money making information, my gift to you.
Don’t miss this January’s print date – we’ll make it’s exactly what you need to kick off your 2023 and prepare you to become a Renegade Millionaire.
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Every online business is different, employing different strategic approaches and organizational structures, and offering different products and services. Therefore, individual results will vary from user to user. YOUR BUSINESS’ INDIVIDUAL RESULTS WILL VARY DEPENDING UPON A VARIETY OF FACTORS UNIQUE TO YOUR BUSINESS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO YOUR CONTENT, BUSINESS MODEL, AND PRODUCT AND SERVICE OFFERINGS.