Tuesday, January 24, 2023
I think it's always interesting to ask business owners and salespeople how much they really know about their customers.
Who are they? What kinds of incomes, jobs, hobbies do they have? What makes them tick?
What you hope to find is a commonality or two that can somehow help your marketing.
In his book “Tough Selling for Tough Times”, Murray Raphel talks about doing a survey of the customers of his own store and discovering that 75% of the customers all listen to the same single radio station. There were 12 radio stations in the area. So picking one to advertise on had been virtually impossible without this clue.
In one business to business scenario, I was consulting with a company and they were advertising heavily in one of four trade journals - but my survey of their customers revealed it to be the least read of the four.
I like to try and determine who your best customers are, where you got them, and then go there to get more of the same. And I'll tell you something else.
Very few businesses have the resources to advertise and market to everybody who could use their product or service. And even fewer sales people have the time or the resources to contact every possible prospect, when everybody is a possible prospect. It's just not gonna happen.
You need to deliberately choose who you'll ignore and who you'll focus on, and the best ways to do that is by determining who your best customers or clients are now and let that be your guide.
The truth is that most businesses and salespeople are overloaded with product knowledge, and of course you need to know your product, but not to the point where that's all you know.
‘Product knowledge’ alone isn't going to make you successful.
‘People knowledge’ will.
Specifically, knowing your prospect so intimately that when you communicate with them, you hit nothing but raw nerves and hot buttons and they say to themselves, “Where has this guy been hiding, under my bed or in my office? This guy really understands what I'm going through!”
That’s the kind of response you want, and it’s the kind of response you get when you really understand your customer. And the step-by-step process can be relatively simple - I actually talk about it in my “Midas Touch Selling” course, which you can get for free as a gift when you get my newsletter along with multiple other courses worth $19,997.
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