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Too Soon – Or Too Late? Maybe, Too small?

Monday, February 20, 2023

Too Soon – Or Too Late? Maybe, Too small?

It’s George Washington’s birthday this week.

“I cannot tell a lie.” If that were true, he’d be the least qualified President ever. Regardless, Washington is known to all for a few things. The chop-a-tree story. Standing up in the boat crossing the Potomac. And, of course, “father of our country.” He never got a car named for him, like Lincoln. And you probably can’t quote a famous speech of his, or even a line from it.

This begs the question: what are YOU known for? I’ll have more to say about that next week. Stay tuned ‘n take notes.

A lot of people know and celebrate a lot of famous peoples’ birthdays. In marketing, you want to exploit the Robert Collier Principle any and every time you can. It is: enter the conversation already occurring in your customers’ or prospects’ minds. Top of consciousness and conversations for the majority of people are celebrities, their birthdays, lives and deaths.
There is a thing in comedy and in advertising: “too soon?” But more often, marketers are too late.

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This is just the start of the Monday Memo for Diamond Members this week, where I talk about how you can grab the right attention, bridge to interest, to desire, and to action. This memo is available now inside the Diamond members area.

If you don’t have access, start developing your relevant, big ideas by joining Diamond Members, with all of the bonuses and community, plus full access to these weekly memos to help you gain the edge in your business.

If you’re already a member, your memo is inside your members area and/or on your fax machine.

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