Friday, October 21, 2022
Two months ago, we released a book called “Diamond Faxes”, a compilation of weekly faxes I wrote to Diamond members from 2012 to 2019 - 416 weekly faxes all in one place. Each one was a raw, uncensored letter that was physically faxed to Diamond Members every Monday morning.
As of next Monday, they are Back!
Russell has gotten me to return to this ink well, and, for some time, Diamond Members will be receiving my new “Monday Memo”, as an EXTRA Member Benefit.
My first “Monday Memo” is ready for faxing out to Diamond Members. Here’s a quick preview…
If you are not a Diamond Member, you won’t be receiving these, but you may hear a brief tease because these are my thoughts every week and contain some value, even if not in their entirety. But if you want these sent directly to you every Monday, you MUST become a Diamond Member.
This has happened so quickly, I don’t believe the sales letter has even been updated to add ‘Monday Memos’ yet
So consider “Monday Memos” officially added to your Diamond Offer, which currently consists of my Diamond Fax book shipped to your home for your personal table, plus monthly Master Classes, monthly Live Q&A with myself, access to my Whole Enchilada (worth $25,000) and the Magnetic Marketing Search Engine so you can search through all of my content.
As you engineer your future, if you’re a Diamond Member, I’ll be sending out my “Monday Memos” every week, starting on Monday. We’re creating a new spot inside of your members area to receive them (it’s coming).
If you are not a Diamond Member, subscribe here and start installing my Whole Enchilada and more into your business, all worth over $62,347 and crafted to help you engineer the business you can be happy living in on your OWN standards starting with the first Monday Memo next week!
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